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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2013

rFactor 2 FULL UnLock Online MEGA

Nuevas Builds de rFactor 2 : la 298 y la 300 más un nuevo demo para probar el simulador.Mejorando la parte gráfica para hacerlo más ameno y fluido y en el tema de físicas trabajado la suspensión y la geometría en si. También esta el Fix para esta versión que arregla los problemas de la Build antes mencionada. BUILD 298 FEATURES: ———————— Added “FuelLevelDigit*” to cockpitinfo.ini. Changed when the low fuel warning comes on. Work-in-progress on restoring vehicle state upon race rejoins (server optional). Added new constraint system that supports chassis flex and more. Not 100% ready for primetime yet. Removed “hand held” functionality from cameras when cycling through cameras in spectator mode. GRAPHICS: ———————— Made some improvements to reflection mapping. MODDING / PUBLIC DEV ———————— Improved default tracking cam values. Implemented a “clear all cheat values” for a specific path because the old way required selecting all waypoints to be cleared first. Added op...

rFactor DTM 2012-2013 Previews Inside

rFactor DTM 2012-2013 Previews Inside

rFactor 2 Lola T280 UH1 Nueva versión Pronto

rFactor 2 Lola T280 UH1  By PIXSIM

rFactor Mod Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 1984 1.0 by KaRiNFuToGT

rFactor Mod  Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 1984 1.0  by KaRiNFuToGT Download AQUI

rFactor Mod ESM DTM 2012-2013 Coming Soon

Coming Soon ... in rFactor ...

rFactor Mod Hungarian Suzuki Bio Cup 1.45 Released

rFactor Mod   Hungarian Suzuki Bio Cup 1.45 Download AQUI

rFactor Symmons Plains 2013 1.10 released

rFactor Circuito  Symmons Plains 2013 1.10 Download AQUI

rFactor 2 Mod FIA GT3 Mercedes SLS

rFactor 2 Mod FIA GT3  WIP Mercedes SLS

Las Físicas en rFactor 2

ISI a realizado un interesante artículo sobre el proceso de físicas en rFactor 2 , para todos los desarrolladores de mods que no son pocos es una información muy valiosa para saber como funciona el ya no tan nuevo simulador. How do we get shape and construction information of the car? No two real-life race cars are built exactly the same, no matter how hard they try, so the best way to ensure an accurate simulation of all cars of that type, rather than one example car that could have fundamental differences to every other, is to go straight to the designer. By building cars for the software as they were intended to be built, you actually have a more realistic example of all the race cars of that type which were built, rather than one example of its differences. The most simplistic method for building is from a designers blueprint drawing of four angles: Front, top, side and back. Everything is at the same scale, without perspective, and can be used as a background im...